My facebook status currently reads "Katie is full of words unspoken". Those words unspoken are bouncing round my head, they were supposed to be spoken, they were selected carefully, thought about with honesty and vulnerability, and ready for sharing. Their receiving party knew they were coming, and yet, factors arose causing the conversation in which these words were meant to be released to not take place. So the words are all still bouncing around in my head, they are not light, carefree words, rather they are intentional, weighted words, holding potential for various outcomes, and requiring not just receipt, but discussion. Today, I was prepared for that discussion, and now I am suspended in uncertainty, second guessing the things I had wanted to say, wondering whether or not they are truly warranted, questioning if this is fate telling me I ought not speak these words. I just don't know. And so I do not sleep, this conversation will be had tonight, a hundred times, inside my head, perhaps by mornings light I will better know which of these words unspoken need to find their voice, and which are best left to dwell in the confines of my head and heart.
So tonight, I lie awake, words unspoken bouncing 'round my head, silence sitting oppressively between these walls around me, all is dark, save this laptops glow, and so I tell the words to the One who is with me always, I seek His truth, His wisdom, His patience, and I hope that perchance tomorrow these harbored things will find a voice, and a gentle place of rest. Until then, I shall hope sleep is coming more swiftly to you than it is to me this late November's night.
May it be with you as it was always intended...
That was pretty eloquent. If you weren't lying around working on how that bit came off then I guess you are just an incredibly poetic gal, and that's a cool thing.
Welcome to blogdom. Sorry, I don't have a Fort Garry to salute you with.
Praying for you my girl. Love you!
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