Monday, January 7, 2008


I'm just sitting here, taking a few last moments of freedom before i once again become engulfed in the world of higher education. 2.5 weeks was a short break, it seems. It was a good break, and many, wonderful times were had.
It's unfortunate that at this point, school is more of a means to an end than it is anything else, in my life. That makes it difficult to drag my butt to school 5 days a weeks, and to sit in the classroom and actually engage in what is going on around me. Unless what's going on around me is side conversation! ha. So, this semester, I hope to become more excited about school as a process, and not just getting it over with. I want to also enjoy this moment, not just let it pass by without taking the time to appreciate it.
The Canadian girl in me is rejoicing. Canada won the world juniors. And I'm learning hockey! I've picked up the hockey skates this winter, after having been on figure skates since I could walk, and I haven't fallen once! and last night my friend scott to me out to an outdoor rink in spruce and we passed a puck around and shot and i learned some defence. It's pretty rad. I'm pretty excited. I need to find hockey gloves that fit, because holding the stick is awkward when the fingers on the gloves are a solid inch longer than your own fingers. Eventually, I'm sure I will fall, but it was good times, and we are going again tonight! Dude, hockey is sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog during an advent Sunday. I thought it was meaningful- which it was for the community. We miss you out here but know you have cowboy blood...

Blessings for the journey