Saturday, March 28, 2009


My computer died right around Christmas, and thus I haven't much posted on here ever since. But, this afternoon seems as good a time as any to make a little diversion back into the blogosphere.
I don't have anything great to blog about, but I thought, for those who may stumble across this, I'd give a little update on my life, and see where the writing leads me.
Currently, I'm employed at a dental clinic, for far less $ than I was told I would make, and for far more hours than I was told I would work, but since I'm salary, its just more hours for lousy money, hahaha. It's lousy, but the hygenists are fantastic, so I keep on keeping on. I'm moving May 1st, but I don't have a place yet, although I did buy a brandnew queen mattress set for $413.00 today, so I'm very excited about that! Seriously, it was a sweet deal, and I like deals.
This is the first year I will ever have A/c and a sunroof, and let me tell you, I find this incredibly exciting to experience. Every time it's above 0 out there, I pop the sunroof and enjoy the air. It's lovely.
I really, really, really want a pet dog. So i'm crossing my fingers that this comes to fruition sooner rather than later. There's just something so much better about life when it's shared with a dog. That's just how it is.
One of my best friends just had her first baby, it's different even than when my older sisters had their babies, I feel so involved in little Ruby's life, and I love her incredibly already. We're already referred to as Uncle Kris and Auntie Katie, and I love it, I love that I can just go over and cuddle her while her mom is out feeding cows, or just sit and hear all about the things she's doing already, and catch up with her parents. I love that there are people my age with the desire of a family at the forefront, wanting to raise up good children in this world, raise them into good people, that excites me. I work with mostly women who don't want to have a family, who don't want to 'give anything up', and it depresses me, but when I see little Ruby, and her parents, I know that there are people like Kris and I out there, who desire to raise healthy children in a functional family, and it gives me hope for our future as a society. Perhaps this paragraph makes no sense, but it's something that's been on my mind lately in the staff room at work, when the other 5 women at the table are stating how they never plan on being mothers, and I'm sitting there feeling like the odd one out, yet strangely proud of who I am and my longing to be a mother one day.
I'm so blessed to have such great friends, and an incredible boyfriend. The relationships in my life are phenomenal, and I'm daily humbled by their impact on my life. I'm excited for the road that this love is leading me on, for the future and potential that's wrapped in every conversation, and in life in general. It's an exhilirating life stage to be situated in, on the cusp of the rest of your life, and I love standing in this place, just learning to love more and better every day. It's amazing, humbling and so very rewarding.
Life is good, perhaps my employment isn't all that I desire, but it's a steady job, and in that regard I'm better off than many. I'm excited for the future, and I'm living and loving and learning in each and every day, I can't complain, that's for sure.
So next time, maybe I'll write something of a bit more substance. And maybe not.

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