I quit my job. That makes me feel like a return to blogging, perhaps as a sign of a return to living life? I think so.
I also don't have a new job lined up. I'm just trusting, and positive, that anything would be better so I really can't lose.
Dentists have OCD, and I ought not work for people with sever OCD. I don't think saying 'Dentists' is an exaggeration, I'm pretty sure it's on the pre-req list for DentSchool Admission.
I found FGD at a little independent liquor store near my transfer bus location. This brings me great joy.
Planning a wedding is a lot of fun, and there are oh-so many websites with grand DIY ideas, which helps to have lots of fun and allows for many lovely details on a budget. Budgets are important.
I have lots to say, for sure. Lots of life is being lived, has been lived, will be lived. And i'm still the same, i've always got something to say.
For now this is a start. Please forgive the forthcoming indulgent wedding posts. I'll try to mediate them with posts of actual merit too.
1 comment:
Yay! Katie's blogging again!
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