Saturday, June 7, 2008

patience is a virtue

i don't have wireless right now. so i've been removed from most all forms of internet, tho i do infrequently check my facebook on my phone. just in case something crazy happens, i guess.
i'm learning anew the virtue of patience, of waiting on God's timing, of being gracious and slow to anger. it's not always easy, it's not easy very often at all, in fact. i'm learning alot about God these days, and about who He is calling me to be, where He is calling me to be, and all the details of those things. Life is crazy at 22, a kind of crazy i don't think i've known before, but i'm living in it, i'm claiming it, and i'm growing ever nearer to the heart of my creator thru it. and nothing, nothing, beats that.
so there's my update.

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